
MAP is a unique and innovative program developed by the clinic’s team of dedicated counsellors, each of whom has an average 35 years experience in drug and alcohol treatment.

MAP is available for people who cannot enter or stay in residential care, people from long term jail, single parents (both women and men), people who are carers for parents, and those who have relapsed and are seeking a return to abstinence.

MAP is an intensive program involving weekly counselling, in house groups and NA meetings. Participants are supported with the 12 step model of drug free living which requires a high level of commitment. To support them with this choice, they are provided with some free treatment during an agreed period of time. As well as access to 12 step groups, MAP clients are supported through their reduction regimes and learn to understand better the nature of addiction in their lives. This is facilitator-directed continuous focused group work. 

 In the group clients are supported by the facilitators to learn to trust, participate, be cared for, acknowledged and experience safety, kindness and patience. The group strives to be non judgemental and realistic in its support of the enormous changes required to reach a drug free life. People are given hope and understanding. Time frames are flexible and may stretch over multiple years of support. MAP is an invitation to recovery which is not only reverential and open minded, but also kind, generous, clear and firm.

At any time in their reduction clients may slow down or even increase their dose, as guided by their counsellors to manage the changes that occur with such an intensive program. Different assistance is provided so should they require a selective detoxification admission or access to a rehabilitation program, this can be arranged. MAP has an ongoing successful relationship with the WHOS OSTAR methadone rehabilitation program.

MAP is a unique out patient program in Australia.